Matej Latin
An Online Course by Matej Latin

Get an awesome UX design job

Your next job switch just got easier

Everything you need for the next step in your design career — get more job interviews, more job offers, learn how to find and pick the most UX-mature company, and increase your salary by at least 30%.

Matej Latin

Author of Better Web Type

Learn more →

Are you stuck in your career?

You want to do meaningful UX work and solve real problems for your users but your work mostly gets judged by “how it looks.” Or maybe your work just isn’t valued by your coworkers.

Nod your head if...

  • You’re underpaid: You’ve been with your current employer for some time but only received minor salary increases (if any at all).
  • You’re bored: Most of the time, you just do what your coworkers ask you to do — you’re a wireframe monkey.
  • You’re stuck: you don’t know how to write the UX case studies for your portfolio and what to put in them.
  • You’re rejected: You’ve tried applying to other jobs but constantly get rejected and only rarely get a reply or a job interview.
  • UX Maturity: You don’t know how to find out if the company you’re applying to is a UX-mature company.
  • You freeze in job interviews: When you get a job interview, you don’t know how to answer the questions to proceed to the next stage.

It’s time for a better job

Unlike other UX portfolio courses, this one focuses on finding a better, higher-paying job with a UX-mature company.

UX designers need to work in an environment where they’re encouraged and trusted to do what’s best for the users. That’s only possible in UX-mature companies.

High UX maturity

UX Maturity

Companies with a high “UX maturity” understand the role of UX design and know that it’s fundamental to their growth. UX design is not just a step in the process, it is the main process in the company.

UX Culture

Strong & collaborative UX culture

You’ll be valued by your colleagues, everyone will want to collaborate with you and contribute to improving the user experience, you’ll be at the center of these cross-functional teams.

Solving user problems

User problems

You’ll do UX research before you even draw a pixel in Figma. You’ll interact with users on a weekly (if not daily) basis. You’ll see how your work helps them solve their problems and draw a smile on their faces.

This course won’t just teach you how to create your UX portfolio, it’ll help you get a job at a UX-mature company where you’ll do the best work of your life.

The UX Buddy course does that in 5 steps.

Step 1 — Recognize good UX positions

Learn how to recognise the signs of UX maturity (and immaturity)

Identify the red flags of UX-immature companies, find out what questions you should ask during the job interviews to recognise the UX-mature ones.

Also included:

  • UX maturity evaluation tool — identify the most UX-mature company to join
  • Self-evaluation tool for your skills — what’s your seniority and what jobs should you apply to?
Step 2 — Design your portfolio

Write impactful, concise case studies that present you as a capable designer

Learn what works and what doesn’t from other designer’s portfolio teardowns, use the UX Buddy templates and the STAR approach to create a portfolio full of content that UX managers look for.

Also included:

  • UX Case study template — don’t start from scratch, start with the STAR framework.
  • Portfolio template (Google Slides) — present your work with this refined template.
  • Career Management Document (CMD) — keep track of your best work to include in your portfolio.
Step 3 — Resume and cover letter

Strike a perfect balance between the amount of content and aesthetics

Do you want to get rejected less and ger more job interviews? You need a better resumé. You only get a few seconds of the recruiter’s attention so you need to stand out as a competent designer.

Also included:

  • Resumé (CV) template — everything you need for a well crafted resumé that stands out.
  • Cover letter template — writing good cover letters is tricky, this template makes it super easy.
Step 4 — Interviewing

Be prepared, present yourself and your story, be memorable

The key to acing the design job interviews is to be prepared. Practice your answers to common questions, don’t freeze when you’re asked difficult questions, and learn how to solve any design task in a way that your interviewers want to see.

Also included:

  • Interviewing journal — Reflect on your past interviews to maximise your learnings and improve for the future interviews.
  • Job interview kit — Prepare your answers to the most common questions and learn how to answer the trickiest questions.
  • Questions to ask — Ask these questions to find out if a company is UX-mature.
  • Design tasks for practice — Practice solving design tasks and whiteboard challenges.
  • STAR framework for solving design tasks — A 4-step process to help you solve any design task.
Step 5 — Feedback

Get feedback on your portfolio and support when it gets tough

Job switching and hunting is hard, demotivating and stressful so a lot of designers give up. The UX Buddy community (and the instructor of the course) will give you feedback on your portfolio, cover letter and resumé, and support you to keep going when things get tough.

Also included:

  • 1:1 feedback and support from the instructor — email or Zoom calls, depending on the plan you purchase.
  • Slack community access — get feedback and support from other students of the course.

Sneak peek

Here’s a sneak peek of the course that’ll help you land your dream job.

UX Buddy course sneek peak

Who am I, why should you listen to me?

Matej Latin giving a talk on a CSS meetup

Matej Latin

Author of Better Web Type.

My work has been featured in

Smashing Magazine, CSS Tricks,, Net magazine, Fast Company


Designers interviewed


Portfolios reviewed

Hello! 👋 I’m Matej, a self-taught designer who went from a college dropout to a design leader earning a 6-figure salary.

I was stuck in my career many times and had to learn by trial and error. The first few jobs sucked. I wanted to do UX design but had to design slide decks and business cards for executives. So I switched jobs until I found UX-mature companies. I had no formal education in design but that didn’t stop me from getting the lead design and managerial positions at Big Tech companies. I hired and built my own design teams, created hiring processes for designers, interviewed more than 200 designers, and reviewed more than 1,000 portfolios. I went from living month-to-month to earning a 6-figure salary, meaning I more than tripled my original salary.

Chart showing salary adjustments over the years

All that knowledge and experience led me to create this course — to help you build and elevate your design career faster than I did. Without UX Buddy, it can take you more than 5 years to get a high-paying design job with a UX-mature company. With UX Buddy, you can get there with your next job switch.

This course pays for itself

The students of this course have increased their salary by an average of 30%. In other words, you’ll get a massive return on your investment.

5 stars

Take the time and do the work. The outcome will amaze you.

By taking this course and talking to Matej, I managed to land a fantastic job in my preferred field, solidifying my expertise. This course made me more confident in the first place and aware of how to look for UX maturity or how to research companies before sending away an application. The course’s STAR framework helped me organise my portfolio and prepare for the interview. My interviewers mentioned that they liked the way I presented my work, exposing earlier steps and even mistakes. I later realised I was using the STAR method to explain my work, which Matej advocates and teaches. Lastly, please understand this is not a quick fix, if you want to do it right and take your career seriously, take the time and do the work. The outcome will amaze you.

Tanja de Bie - van Leeuwen

Tanja de Bie - van Leeuwen (@tanjadebie)

5 stars

A small investment in your career that is well worth it

After losing my job before Christmas, I didn’t want to rush around like a headless chicken updating my CV and portfolio and getting nowhere. I needed expert guidance and feedback, but didn’t want to spend a fortune on a UX career coach. Matejs’ UX Buddy course helped me set my career goals, with templates and examples of CV’s and case studies from someone who’s been there, has hired, been fired and has learnt the ways of recruiters to help you navigate the best way to present yourself.

As a mentor, he’s always available on the private UX Buddy Slack channel to give in-depth feedback and advice within a day or so, and also hear from the growing community too!

Andy Fuller

Andy Fuller (@designbull)

5 stars

Just what I needed

Speaking with Matej gave me the clarity to identify what matters to me long term and what is going to take to reach those goals.

He’s a great listener and provided me with a very sobering outside perspective on a particularly pivotal point in my career.

If you’re looking for guidance from someone who’s been on the trenches of tech, I can’t recommend enough that you talk with him.

Ed Orozco

Ed Orozco (@eddzio)

5 stars

Don’t miss this course if you want to prepare for job interviews

I got access to UX Buddy right when I was already in the middle of interviewing at various companies. It’s been a great help to prepare myself and build confidence — having a solid foundation of questions to be prepared for but also questions you might want to ask companies was the right help at the right time.

Jan Six

Jan Six (@six7)
Got hired by GitHub

5 stars

This will seriously help you get started and be prepared

This course offers lots of valuable insights that I had no idea of, but the most valuable part for me, is it manages the content in a very clear way which helps move forward, step by step. I landed my next job recently after preparing for more than three months, looking back it still feels painful, but this course has helped me to stay on the track. A huge thank you to Matej!

Lu C

Lu C

5 stars


The course is easy to follow and the develops smoothly. Sharing the personal experience is nice – makes it feel more human. Many of the described situations are really relatable and resonate well with me. Seems like these kinds of challenges designers face are truly universal.

Ken Juks

Ken Juks (@ken_juks)

4 stars

Thoughful and well rounded

This course teaches more than just UX. Deciding what workplace to choose, and how to decide its maturity. The tasks which you do between lessons are great and help you gain insight into the “how and why.”

Vladimirs Nordholm

Vladimirs Nordholm (@vladdeSV)

5 stars

Very helpful content!

I’m a UX researcher transitioning to UX designer. I wanted information to help me find and bridge the gaps in skill and knowledge. This has been an excellent resource. It has a clean and easy to read layout and a friendly yet concise tone.

Lanita McCullerses

Lanita McCullerses (@vladdeSV)


Here’s what a lot of people ask about UX Buddy. If your question isn’t answered here, send me an email.

Yes! I would kill to have all this knowledge when I was a junior designer. With this course, you could get to do amazing design work in your very next job. Without it, it could take you years. This is not just a UX portfolio course, it's a course to help you design your design career. It's like having a mentor telling you what to do at different parts of your career.

Yes! A lot of senior designers are stuck in their careers right now. Making a job switch doesn't get easier with higher seniority, maybe it even gets harder because the expectations to perform well in job interviews and to have a top-notch portfolio are higher. If you're looking for a career move but feel stuck, this course is for you.

Not yet, but I'll add more content in the future to help managers make the right career moves.

I'm sure you could learn from it, but the course is dedicated to UX and product designers.

There are no requirements other than being a UX or Product Designer. You’ll get the most out of this course if you’re serious about finding a new, better UX job in the next couple of months. It also helps if you already have some material for the case studies prepared.

Yes, this is a self-paced course, you can take as long as you want to complete it. I think it’s possible to complete it in a couple weeks if you spend 30 minutes per day.

No. Video courses can be quite hard to follow, so I decided to present the content of the course in a format that allows the students to study it at their own pace. The course is a combination of written lessons, quizzes, self-evaluations, exercises and getting feedback from peers.

Yes, a 30 days money-back policy. So far, 99% of UX Buddy students were happy with the course but if for some reason you’re not, I’ll gladly refund your order.